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Weee Clearance in London

The safe and environmentally friendly disposal of Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Weee recycling) is a law put in place with the purpose of reducing the amount of harmful electronic products that collect at landfills and cause a negative environmental impact. The disposal of any item that has a plug or runs on batteries comes under this regulation and must be disposed correctly. Whether you are a consumer or business manufacturing electrical items, there is no reason to stress about this though because UKDARs specialist clearance team can easily arrange Weee waste disposal in London to take care of all your electronic disposals.

Just give us a call or fill out an online inquiry form and we will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for waste collection and dispose it in a responsible manner.

Why do you need to hire a professional Weee Disposal Service?

Improper Weee results in negative impacts

Electrical wastage contains chemicals such as arsenic, lead and mercury as well as non-biodegradable materials such as glass, metal and plastic, all of which are very harmful to the environment. Dumping these to a landfill leads to the decaying of these chemicals, and as a result, there is a leakage of toxins into the earth and our water systems, gradually making its way into our bodies through food and water. Moreover, plastic, glass and metal stays intact for hundreds and thousands of years, which leads to a serious damage on our health and ecosystems.

Importance of recycling Weee

Recycling electronics means we are converting used materials into new products and this is highly beneficial for the environment. Lesser raw materials are needed via extraction methods such as mining and forestry.

The government regulations implies that no electronic goods can be disposed in a general rubbish bin or added to landfills. Responsible Weee recycling by professionals at UKDAR is necessary to avoid adding to the ecological crisis by ensuring the following:

  • Electronic waste is dismantled
  • Spares are sent to recycling centers
  • Reparable items sent to experienced technicians

UKDAR can handle all your Weee Recycling needs by uninstalling and removing the electrical items from your home or office and quickly and efficiently dispose it without any hassle on you.

What Weee items can UKDAR dispose?

Consumers and producers of electricals are responsible for correct disposal of such products. UKDAR takes on that responsibility by safely disposing all sorts of household and non-household electronic equipment including:

  • Toasters
  • Coffee machines
  • Kettles
  • Fluorescent tubes
  • Lead batteries
  • Air conditioning units
  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers
  • IT equipment
  • Laptops
  • Personal Computers
  • Mainframes
  • Networking equipment
  • Hard drives, media tapes and other storage equipment
  • Telephone systems
  • Handsets and accessories
  • Tablets and smart phones

Get in touch with us for a free quote or to schedule an appointment for Weee recycling for all your electrical wastage, as well as other rubbish clearance and removal needs. From house clearance to garden clearance, piano removal and mattress removal, we offer all sorts of man and van services to make the task easy for our valued customers.

Why Choose UKDAR?

If you are in search for an efficient, yet affordable solution for your Weee recycling, UKDAR is your answer. From immediate inquiry responses to punctual and clean collection services, our team works hard to satisfy our customers. In partnership with reputable recycling agencies, our specialist staff are committed towards the betterment of the community and environment, hence practicing safe Weee waste collection service and disposal.