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Appliance Removal Services in London

Are you in search of a means to dispose your old appliances?

UKDARs specialist man team is here to provide efficient appliance removal services London. We can help you with appliance disposal from commercial and residential premises. Upon scheduling an appointment, we will send a team of representatives with an appropriate vehicle to collect the appliances from any property requested. All you have to do is give us the address, and we will handle the rest.

From small mixer/grinders, to microwaves to large industrial refrigerators, we are experts in collection and disposal of any kind of appliance requested. After picking up the items from your property, we ensure ethical and environmentally friendly disposal of your unused appliances because we understand that appliances are not items that can just be put into a dustbin or recycling bin. Relevant disposal methods have to be looked into, and UKDAR will do just that.

Why Choose UKDAR?

UKDAR comprises of a diligent, efficient and professional team of removalists who come to your address, load the unwanted items into our vehicle, and dispose them in a responsible manner. Whether it is a small mobile phone, household appliances or any other electronics, our team will assist with taking it to a dedicated recycling facility.

We also offer same-day or next-day appliance removal and disposal services which you can schedule by contacting our team. Our large network of partners allows us to offer speedy service in picking up your unused items. Later, these will be assessed for re-use or recycling, depending on their condition. Our services let you enjoy the peace of mind that your appliances are not just sent to a dumping ground but disposed in a sustainable manner.

What appliances can be disposed and in what condition?

  • Washing machine
  • Tumble dryer
  • Dishwasher
  • Refrigerator
  • Freezer
  • Other household appliances
  • Power cables
  • Lighting equipment
  • Chandeliers
  • Lamps
  • Television sets
  • LCD or LED screens
  • Laptops or Computers
  • Radios, mobile phones
  • Cookers, gas stoves, hobs
  • Water heaters and boilers
  • Hoovers and irons

If the item you want to dispose is not on the list, just give us a call and we can clarify if we will be able to dispose the item in question.

UKDAR offers appliance removal services London regardless of the condition that your appliance is in. There are 3 categories that we will place your item into:

  1. Out of order or to be repaired

Old appliances that have not been in working condition for a long time means it is high time to get rid of them. Sometimes there are appliances that you keep repairing and yet fails to function smoothly. We can collect old machines lying in your store for years or a recently broken appliance and get it out of your way.

  1. Functional appliances

Some appliances work well but have some issues such as rattling washing machines and humming freezers. These can be difficult to deal with and are often resorted to being replaced. Many times, these issues are the cause of excessive power and water usage, making it a good reason to invest in something new. Whatever the case may be, UKDAR is here to free up space to make way for new appliances.

  1. Other

If your appliance does not fall in any of the above two categories, we can still get them out of your way! Appliances and parts lying around in your basement, loft or garage can take up a lot of space and also pose a hazardous threat to members of the house as a result of rusty edges, battery leakage, and so on. UKDARs team of professionals will dispose them in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

How do appliance removal services work?

Simply get in touch with us through our online inquiry form or call us on 0203 189 1403.

  • We will schedule a convenient time during which we can pick up your appliances.
  • We will call you a few minutes before we arrive for the disposal service.
  • Once we get there, just direct us towards the junk that you want removed and our team will do all the heavy lifting.
  • After loading the appliances onto our truck, we clean the property to make sure no mess is left behind.
  • We ensure ethical and responsible disposal of appliances; reusing and recycling whatever possible.

How much does appliance removal service cost?

Our aim is to offer affordable prices for all our clients, allowing them to enjoy swift and diligent services. When approached, UKDAR will process your request and offer an estimate based on the details of rubbish clearance provided. Our quotes depend on the size of the machinery and the time taken to collect it and load it onto our vans. We only offer an estimate initially; the final price is confirmed upon arrival on site and assessing the appliances to be disposed, if any wastage occurring, and any additional expenses that may arise.